Founded in 2020 in Toronto Canada, Sasha International was born from a passion for streetwear and a commitment to create a future where luxury can also mean sustainably. We have identified a gap in the market for high-quality, eco-friendly fashion that doesn’t compromise on style.

Fast fashion is killing the planet. Things like harmful waste, water pollution, and gas emissions are destroying ecosystems for cheap garments.

Our Mission
To redefine the way people think about luxury streetwear by offering limited, premium quality collections that are as complementary to the planet as they are to your wardrobe.

Our Brand Purpose
To inspire individuals to embrace the star within – live up to your fullest potential and chase your dreams.

Our Vision
To become a globally recognized sustainable streetwear brand that redefines the essence of premium fashion through quality, self-expression, and environmental responsibility.

Our Philosophy
At Sasha, we believe that fashion should be both high quality and responsible. That's why we prioritize:

– Sustainable Materials: We source eco-friendly fabrics and materials ensuring our products have a minimal environmental footprint.

– Ethical Production: Our clothing is crafted in facilities that uphold the highest standards of fair labour practices, and most of our products are made in Canada.

– Unisex Design: Our collections are designed to be inclusive, offering versatile pieces that fit all genders and body types.